Command Line Options

Any options you give the renderer on the command line override internal variables in the SDL file. These options allow you to change the behavior of the renderer without having to edit the SDL file.


To use the command line options

  1. Use the cd command to move to your project directory (for example, cd user_data/demo).
  2. Enter the command for the renderer, followed by any options (see below), and the name of the SDL file (for example, renderer -s10 sdl/animation_1).


renderer|raytracer	[-H] [-an] [-bn] [-en] [-f script] [-gn][-hn] [-m filename] [-p filename] [-d filename] [-C color_map_filename] [-c quantized_output_file] [-j] [-k] [-Kn] [-on] [-O][-qn][-P][-sn] [-Sn] [-Bn] [-En] [-rn] [-tn] [-wn] [-Wn] [-xn] [-yn] [-Yn] [-zn] [-Zn] [filename]

-an Use the integer n as the aalevel.
-tn Use the integer n as the aathreshold.
-sn Use the float n as the starting frame number.
-bn Use the float n as the by frame number.
-en Use the float n as the ending frame number.
-Sn Use the integer n as the start extension.
-Bn Use the integer n as the by extension.
-En Use the integer n as the size extension.
-fstring invoke the program string after each frame.
-gn Use the float n as the gamma correction value.
-mstring Produce a matte file and Use string as the filename.
-pstring Use string as the pix filename.
-dstring Use string as the depth file name.
-C string Use the SGI imagelib image format file to quantize to after each frame.
-c string Output the quantized image to the file string after each frame.
-j Raytrace transparent objects without attenuation (Beere’s law ignored).
-k Keep depth maps in memory after reading (read them once).If used, a depth map file will be read ONCE, or if depth map saving is not turned on, the map will be created ONCE and used for all subsequent frames.
-Kn Turn depth maps on disk usage to n. 0=off, non-zero =on.If used, a depth map file named the same as the light will be created if it doesn’t exist, and used if it does exist.
-O Use byframe of 1.0 as applied to motion-blur.
-on Use byframe of n as applied to motion-blur.
-P Preserve the non-glowed image.
-qn Set the quiet flag to n (0 or 1).
-Tn Use the integer n as the number of Y pixels in a tile.
-hn Use the integer n as the image height.
-wn Use the integer n as the image width.
-Wn Use the integer n as the ylow for backgrounds.
-xn Use the integer n as the xleft.
-yn Use the integer n as the ylow.
-Yn Use the integer n as the yhigh for backgrounds.
-rn Use the float n as the aspect ratio.If more than one camera is defined in the SDL file, this option only affects the first camera.
-Gn Turn saved geometry on (non-zero n) or off (0).
filename Use filename as the SDL filename. If no filename is present standard input will be used.
-zn Make camera depth output respect transparency, if transparency is greater or equal to n.This allows transparency mapped objects to affect the camera depth output files. If the flag is set to 1, anything that is at least 1% transparent will not show up in the depth file. If the flag is set to 50, anything that is more than 50% transparent will not show up in the depth file. If it is set to 99, only things that are totally transparent will not show up in the camera depth file.
-Zn Set fast_shading to n (0 or 1).
-H Print a usage message.

PowerCaster and PowerTracer Options

The multi-processor renderers have a few extra options for controlling how they use multiple CPUs.]

powertracer|powercaster	[-H] [-an] [-bn] [-en] [-f script] [-gn][-hn] [-m filename] [-p filename] [-d filename] [-C color_map_filename] [-c quantized_output_file] [-qn] [-sn] [-Sn] [-Bn] [-En] [-rn] [-Wn] [-Yn] [-k] [-Kn] [-on] [-O] [-P][-tn] [-wn] [-xn] [-yn] [-nn] [-I] [-Tn] [-U] [-zn] [-Zn] [filename]

-nn Use the integer n as the number of processors to PowerTrace on.
-I Print out statistics at the end of the PowerTrace.
-Tn Use the integer n as the number of Y pixels in a tile.
-U Leave output pix file uncompressed (not Run Length Encoded).
All other options are identical to the single processor commands.  


Example 1

To render every other frame (“by frame” of 2) of frames 4 through 8 of an animation, but number the output files 10,11 and 12, enter:

renderer -s 4 -e 8 -b 2 -S 10 -B 1 sdl/animation_scene_1

This produces the following image files:

pix/animation_scene1.10 (which is frame 4)
pix/animation_scene1.11 (which is frame 6)
pix/animation_scene1.12 (which is frame 8)

Example 2

To test a few frames of an animation (say, frames 1 to 5) without overwriting existing pix files, enter:

renderer -e 5 -p pix/test_anim -m mask/test_anim sdl/animation_scene_1

This produces the following pix and mask files:
