The Mesh
> Mesh Collar tool is now easier to use due to the
following modifications:
The Ribbon fit
type has been eliminated.
The Degree options
has been eliminated. All collar surfaces are now degree 5 in the U
direction, which produces consistently better results than degree
There is a new option Show
Surface Deviation that displays min and max locators
at the points of smallest and largest deviation between the collar
and the mesh.
There is a new option Show
Deviation Map that displays a color map showing the deviation
between the collar and the mesh. The Deviation Map Settings work
the same way as in other tools such as Mesh Smooth, Mesh
Reduce and Evaluate > Deviation
You can remove a point by holding and clicking it. A periodic
collar needs at least one point, and non-periodic collars need at
least two.
Collar surfaces now have history. You
can use Object Edit > Query or the History View window
and select the collar to re-enter the tool and modify the option
values and input points. However, changing the geometry of the mesh
boundary or curve-on-mesh used to build the collar will destroy
the collar history.