Finishing the Model

Trim the curve-on-surface to prepare the half-model for mirroring.

The finishing work mainly involves trimming the entire curve-on-surface. All of the surfaces that cross the Y0 plane need to be trimmed. The fillet surfaces and ball corners only exist on one half of the model, and as such, will not require any additional modifications. After the completion of the trim work, the half-model can be mirrored.

To trim the surfaces that cross the Y0 position

  1. Choose the WindowDisplay > Toggles > Grid menu item.
  2. Create a degree 1 edit point curve using the Snap to Grid function (press the (Windows) or (Mac) key). The curve must divide the model into halves.

  3. Select all surfaces that cross the Y0 plane.
  4. Switch to the top view using the Viewing Panel.
  5. Project the curve onto the surfaces.

  6. Choose the Object Edit > Query Edit tool.
  7. Select the fillet surface. The Object Edit > Query Edit tool will produce the fillet surface option box.
  8. In the Surface Fillet Control box, change the Trim Type to CURVES ON SURFACE in order to create a curve-on-surface on the side surface and the top surface.

  9. Make the layer “aw edge” visible.
  10. Using the Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Project normal tool, project the edge curve onto the front/rear surface, both transition surfaces, and the side surface.

  11. Trim the surfaces.
  12. Assign all the surfaces to one layer.
  13. Turn on the symmetry of that layer.

If your model resembles the above image, you have successfully completed the tutorial. Congratulations!

In this tutorial you have been introduced to the fundamental tools and methods that should provide you with a solid foundation for your surface modeling endeavors.

To build your knowledge, you can delve deeper into Surface to learn advanced techniques and tools such as Bezier surfaces, the full breadth of evaluation tools, and how to construct your own Patch Layouts.

And remember, practice makes perfect … enjoy!