Part 2: Creating the Joystick Base

In this section, you will create the joystick base with skin and planar surfaces.

Opening the tutorial file (optional)

If you successfully completed Part 1, you can proceed directly to the next step, Creating the Base Outline Curve.

If you were not successful in part 1, open the file called joystick_part2.wire, located in the wire directory of the CourseWare project. This file contains the completed model from Part 1.

Watch Part 2 of the tutorial.

Creating the Base Outline Curve

First, you will create a rounded triangle shape from a primitive circle.

  1. Choose Layouts > Top to maximize the Top view.
    TipThe hotkey for Layouts > Top is F5.

  2. Choose Curves > Primitives > Circle .
  3. Double-click the icon to open the option box for the circle.

    In the Sections box, the default number of sections is set at 8. As you will be creating a triangular shaped base, 9 sections will provide a better arrangement of CVs.

    Type in 9 in the Sections box. Click the Go button in the circle option box.

  4. Press and hold the (Windows) or (Mac) key to turn on grid snapping. Click near the origin (where the two dark grid lines intersect) to place the circle at the center of the base.

    A small circle is placed at the origin. The manipulators are shown, but you won’t use them for this part of the tutorial.

    Next, you will scale and reshape the circle to form the base outline.

  5. Choose Transform > Scale .
  6. The manipulators disappear.

    Click and drag with the towards the top right corner of the screen, to make the circle larger. Match the size of the circle to the inside of the base outline, as shown below.

    TipUse the screen diagonal direction for an increase or decrease in scale. Drag towards the bottom left corner to decrease the scale. Drag towards the top right corner to increase the scale.
  7. Choose Pick > Nothing to deselect the circle.

    TipCheck that the CV shown as a U is at the right side of the circle. If the U CV is at the left, it means that you have inverted the circle while scaling. Scale the circle again, being sure to click and drag towards the top right of the screen.

    You will now select the three CVs which will form the apexes of the triangular base.

  8. Choose Pick > Point Types > CV and click the CV nearest the right side of the sketch. This CV is drawn as a small U.
  9. TipAs the CVs are small, it is sometimes easier to select them by dragging a pick box around each one.

    The CV is selected and highlighted in yellow.

  10. With the Pick > Point Types > CV tool still active, choose the CV at the top left hand corner of the sketch by clicking and dragging a pick box around it.

    The second CV is selected and highlighted.

  11. With the Pick > Point Types > CV tool still active, click and drag a pick box around the CV at the bottom left hand corner of the sketch.

    Check that the three CVs are selected and shown in yellow, and that there are two unselected (red) CVs between each corner CV.

  12. Choose Transform > Scale .
  13. Click and drag the until the outline shape is matched.

    Next, you will make the CVs and hulls invisible for the curve.

  14. On the Control Panel, go to the Display section.

    Click on the CV/Hull check to remove it.

    The CVs and Hulls for the curve are no longer visible.

  15. Choose Pick > Nothing to unpick the curve.

Creating the Upper Curve for the Base

Next, you will create the upper edge of the side wall, by copying and moving the first curve.

  1. Choose Pick > Object and select the base outline curve that you just created.

  2. Choose Edit > Copy followed by Edit > Paste .

    The screen appears unchanged, but a second curve is created and placed at the same location as the first. This curve is selected (shown in white) and ready to move.

  3. Choose Layouts > Left or press the F6 hotkey to maximize the Left view.

  4. Choose Transform > Move .
  5. Click and drag the upwards to move the curve upwards. Click and drag away from the selected curve to avoid picking the original curve.

    Move the curve so it is aligned with the top of the wavy edge of the joystick base sketch.

  6. With the curve still selected, click the CV/Hull check box in the Control Panel Display section to turn the CVs and Hulls on.

    The CVs and hulls appear.

    Next, you will shape the curve in 3D. To be able to see the shape develop, you will work with all four views on the screen.

  7. Use Layouts > All Windows > All Windows or the F9 hotkey to return to the four views.

  8. Choose Pick > Nothing to deselect the curve.
  9. Looking in the Top view, choose Pick > Point Types > CV and select the three corner CVs.
  10. Click on each CV or drag a pick box over each of them.

    Next, you will move these CV points downwards in the Left view.

  11. Choose Transform > Move .
  12. In the Left view, use the to move the selected CVs downwards, until the curve matches the shape of the top edge drawn in the sketch.

  13. Choose Pick > Nothing to deselect the CVs.
  14. In the Control Panel, click on the CV/Hull check box to turn the CVs off.

Creating the Top Curve for the Base

You will continue working in the four views to create the small circle at the top of the base, where the joystick handle is connected.

  1. Choose Curves > Primitives > Circle .
  2. Hold down the (Windows) or (Mac) key to turn on grid snapping. In the Top view, click near the origin to place the circle exactly on the center grid point.

    A small circle is placed at the origin, with the manipulator shown.

  3. Choose Transform > Scale .
  4. Be careful not to click on any of the curves, and click and drag with the . Drag towards the top right of the screen to scale the circle to match the smaller inner circle on the sketch.

    Now, you will move the circle upwards in the Left view.

  5. With the circle still selected, choose Transform > Move .
  6. In the Left view, click and drag the to move the circle upwards to match the top of the base in the sketch.

    The circle is now in position at the top of the base.

  7. On the Control Panel Display section, click on the CV/Hull check to turn the CVs and hulls off for the circle.
  8. Choose Pick > Nothing to deselect the circle.

Creating the base surfaces

Next, you will create the surfaces for the base using the Skin and Planar surfaces surface tools. First, you will create the side wall of the base using a skin surface.

  1. Choose Layouts > Perspective or F8 to maximize the perspective view.

  2. Choose Surfaces > Revolve .
  3. You are prompted to select the first curve.
  4. Select the first triangular curve you created at the bottom of the base.

  5. Select the second triangular curve as the top edge of the side wall.

    A skin surface is created between the two curves.

    Next, you will create the surface across the top of the base component.

  6. With the Skin tool still active, select the second triangular curve again. The pick chooser offers a choice between the curve and the surface you just created.

    Keep the mouse button held down and move the mouse over the circle curve in the pick chooser.

    Release the mouse button to select the circle.

  7. Now, you are prompted to select the next curve. Click the smaller circle at the top of the base.

    The top skin surface is created between the two curves.

    Next, you will create the surface underneath the base.

  8. Choose the Surfaces > Planar Surfaces > Set Planar tool.
  9. Select the first triangular curve at the bottom of the base. The pick chooser appears.

    Select the circle curve.

    Click on the Go button that appears in the bottom right of the screen.

    A planar surface is created across the bottom of the base.

  10. Choose Pick > Nothing to unpick the planar surface.

Save your work

  1. Choose File > Save As to save the current scene.
  2. Save your work in the wire directory of the Lessons project.
  3. Name your file myjoystick2.wire.