Part 3: Label Surface

In the Vacuum exercise, you intersected surfaces to create curves-on-surface that could then be used for trimming.

In this exercise, you will Project a curve onto the surface, which will create the curves-on-surface needed for trimming.

First, you will trim out the label shape from the main body surface.

Then, you will create a recessed surface for the label panel. This will be trimmed slightly smaller so there is a space for a smooth blend surface to be built.

NoteYou cannot use Detach in this case to ‘cut’ the surface, as the desired shape does not follow the isoparms of the surface.

Watch Part 3 of the tutorial.

Opening the tutorial file (optional)

If you successfully completed Part 2, proceed to the next step: Trimming the Label Area below.

If you were not successful in part 2, open the file called showergel_part3.wire, located in the wire directory of the CourseWare project. This file contains the completed model from Part 2.

Trimming the Label Area

First, you will project the label shape curve onto the bottle surface. The projection direction will be determined by the active window, so you will use the Left window.

  1. Maximize the Left window.

  2. Make the LabelCurves layer visible.

    The layer has two curves for the outline of the label. The outer curve will be used to trim away the main body surfaces.

    Now, you will Project the outer label curve onto the body surface.

  3. Choose Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Project .
  4. You are prompted to select a surface. Click the main bottle surface to select it.

  5. Click Go to accept the surface.

    You are then prompted to select the projecting curves.

  6. Click the outer label curve to select it, and then click Go.

    The curve is projected onto the surface.

  7. Maximize the Perspective view to see the curves-on-surface more clearly.

  8. Choose Surface Edit > Trim > Trim Surface .
  9. You are prompted to select the surfaces to trim. Click the main bottle surface to select it.

  10. You are then prompted to select REGIONS. Click the part of the surface you want to keep (the part outside the label area).

  11. Click Keep shown in the bottom right corner of the window.

    The surface is trimmed.

  12. Use diagnostic shading to verify the surface has been trimmed correctly.

    TipIf the trimming is not correct, click Revert at the bottom of the screen to go back one step and re-select the trim regions. If you want to correct the trim at a later stage, you can use Surface Edit > Trim > Untrim to restore the surface to its untrimmed state.

Creating the Label Surface

If the bottle is to have a paper label, paper can only bend in one direction at a time if it is to have no folds or wrinkles. Therefore the label surface should only bend in one direction. This is called single-curvature.

You will create a single-curvature surface by using a Skin surface between two identical curves.

First, organize your model using the layers.

  1. Make the Bottle layer invisible using the layer sub-menu.

    There are two identically shaped curves for the skin surface; these will be used to create the label.

  2. Choose Surfaces > Skin . Follow the prompts and select the two label surface curves to create a skin surface.

    Next, you will project the label outline curve onto the surface and trim the surface to the shape of the label.

    This time we will show how both operations can be executed at once by using the 3D Trimming option in the Trim Surface tool.

  3. Choose Surface Edit > Trim > Trim Surface . Double-click the icon to open the option box. Turn on 3D Trimming, then close the option box.

    You are prompted to select the surfaces to trim.

  4. Click the label surface to select it.

    You are prompted to select curves to PROJECT.

  5. Click the inner label shape curve to select it.

    You are then prompted to select REGIONS.

  6. Click the part of the surface you want to keep (the part inside the label area). Then, click Keep shown in the bottom right corner of the window.

    The surface is trimmed.

  7. Turn on diagnostic shading to verify this.

  8. Make the Bottles layer visible, and assign the new surface to it.

  9. Make the LabelCurves layer invisible

Save your work

  1. Save your work in the wire directory of the Lessons project.
  2. Name your file myshowergel3.wire.