Interface Arrangement

To arrange the Surface interface

  1. Load the shelf set named Surface Shelf.

    The Surface Shelf is specifically designed for this tutorial. Some tools have been removed from the shelf to allow you to concentrate on those tools required for this tutorial.

  2. Load the Control Panel shelf set named Surface Control Panel Shelf.

    The Control Panel shelf provides you with a faster avenue to a customized collection of tools. It is a good habit to use a customized Control Panel shelf. As the Control Panel shelf does not offer enough space for all of the icons, use a different method to access the tools. Instead of recognizing icons, you must know the full names of the tools. (For example, the full name of the Fillet tool is Surfaces > Surface Fillet ).

    To access the tools, right mouse click on a given tab to produce a sub-menu pop-up window containing a list of tool names and option boxes (where applicable).

  3. Load the marking menu named Surface Marking Menu.

  4. Set the ObjectDisplay > Control panel as shown in the image below.

  5. Choose the Preferences > Construction Options and click the Catia option. The Construction Options window allows you to set a variety of modeling tolerances. If you will be exporting your data to one of the CAD packages listed in the Construction Presets tab, simply click the name of the CAD package and Surface will automatically set the tolerances appropriate to that software.

  6. Open the ObjectDisplay > Draw Style option box and set the style of curve and surface CVs as shown in the image below. For beginners, changing the draw style of CVs to these settings will allow for easier recognition.

  7. Save the selected options by choosing Preferences > User Options > Save Options from the menu.

  8. Restart the computer to make sure your options are saved.
  9. Open Surface.
    NoteIn this tutorial, the modeling process will be conducted solely in the Perspective view. You will be asked to change views in order to facilitate the best possible view of the model. For each instance when you are asked to change views, always use the Viewing Panel located in the Perspective window.